Mighty League Autism Mom’s

Mighty League Moms

Many Voices, One Heart

Mighty League Moms Manifesto

Our individual voices are strong, but we’re coming together collectively so our message of autism love advocacy rises! We’re the Mighty League Moms, women dedicated to changing the public’s perceptions by showing the positive side of autistic individuals. We’re a global group—from the west to the east coast in the USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Belgium and Australia–and we have many perspectives and experiences to share, but one heart when it comes to our feelings and commitment to those we love on the autism spectrum.

We have children who range in age from 18 months to 3o years and our ausome ones have such diagnoses as ASD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Dyspraxia, Epilepsy, ADD, SPD, ADHD, PDD-NOS, ODD, anxiety, food allergies, speech challenges or nonverbal, dysgraphia, Auditory Processing Disorder, Expressive Receptive Language Disorder, and diabetes.

These diagnoses do not define our children. And you cannot fit them neatly into a box–each is a wonderfully unique, complicated, and valuable human being with talents and abilities to share with the world…if the world will only let them.

So we’re going to speak up for autism. We’re going to speak out our love. We’re going to speak for understanding. We’re going to share our stories. Offer support. Be inspiring. Leave you with hope and optimism.  We are many voices, one heart…determined to create a new world that accepts all autistic individuals and values their contributions.

My Contribution to the project so far:

Karen McAuley, More Than Just a Diagnosis – Our Journey
Calgary, Alberta, Canada


TO MY CHILDREN: NEGU (Never Ever Give Up): Never give up hope; never give up on yourself, your future, or your dreams. Never ever give up the good fight—and remember never be afraid to roll up your sleeves and put in that extra effort where it’s needed when it’s needed. It matters that you don’t just give up when things are tough. You got this! 

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